Local Offer participation event
On Friday 14th September four Hub students from Years 7-11 attended a participation and co-production event with the Local Authority
On Friday 14th September four Hub students from Years 7-11 (two from the Hearing Impaired Hub and two from the Hub for Physically Disabled learners) attended a participation and co-production event with the Local Authority. The purpose was to contribute their ideas to the webpage of Peterborough’s new Local Offer (the services the Council offer to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disability). The event was held at City College in Brook Street and the audience included a range of professionals from education, health and social care.
The learners confidently asked questions, voiced their opinions and raised concerns (including not having activities accessible for the HI students in the workshop!). The HI learners suggested that the webpage might benefit from having subtitles and interpreting facilities (small pop-up icon). Physically disabled students suggested signposting to sources of information about body image, puberty and health advice.
All contributors thought the webpage should be colourful, eye-catching and include an element of fun (quizzes, interactive game, animations etc.) to engage the attention of children and young people. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page was applauded as a particularly good idea.
The contribution of Jack Hunt students was so impressive that they have been invited to continue their participation, filming information with subtitles and voicing their opinions through BSL, trialling possible activities and attending further consultation events.
For more information about Peterborough’s Local Offer go to: https://fis.peterborough.gov.uk/kb5/peterborough/directory/localoffer.page?familychannel=8