Headteacher's Summer Letter
Thank you for all your support during yet another busy and successful year. As you are aware, we were delighted to receive national recognition again this year for the exceptional progress students make in our school and we hope that all the continued hard work of the staff and students, supported by you, will continue this trend.Please enter an introduction for your news story here
Thank you for all your support during yet another busy and successful year. As you are aware, we were delighted to receive national recognition again this year for the exceptional progress students make in our school and we hope that all the continued hard work of the staff and students, supported by you, will continue this trend.
We look forward to many exciting developments in the new academic year. By the time the students return after their summer break the work on the long awaited new block, new Science laboratory and the All Weather Pitch will have begun. It will seem a long year as we adjust to having a construction site on our grounds and the more limited space available; however, it will all be worth it when we have the much needed new facilities finished in August 2018. We also have the development of the Multi-Acadmy Trust and the potential that brings for all of the schools invloved in working more closely together.
To those Parents/Carers and students who are leaving us this year, and no siblings remain in the school, l do hope that your time with us has been a happy one and that you feel we have supported your child well and that they have been given a range of opportunities whilst in our care. To those Parents/Carers of students who are joining us in Year 7 or other years, we look forward to you joining our community.
The following pages of the Summer letter give many details for the new academic year which I hope you will find useful. If there is anything you are still not clear about then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Finally, please accept my best wishes for a very enjoyable, and hopefully, warm summer break. I look forward to working with you all in the new academic year.
Mrs P J Kilbey
Examination Results Days
GCE (A2 and AS) Year 13 Thursday 17 August 2017 - 9.30am
Year 12 Thursday 17 August 2017 - 11.00am
GCSE Year 11 Thursday 24 August 2017 – 9.30am to 12 noon
Results will be given out in the Dining Hall on both days. Any other students who are awaiting examination results will receive them on their return to school in September.
The start of the Autumn Term
The first day of the new term for students is Wednesday 6 September 2017 and they will be admitted, in their Year groups for the new academic year, in a phased way as follows:
8.40am Year 7 (and new students in Years 8 to 11) Please go to the Assembly Hall on arrival
9.00am Years 12 and 13 (and new Year 12 students) Please go to the Assembly Hall on arrival
10.00am Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 Please go to Tutor Rooms for Lesson 2 and 3
Timetabled lessons will begin Lesson 4
Personal Tutors will remain the same for students unless there have been staff changes.
Telephone Calls
Any call or query for Staff received by lunchtime each day will be passed onto the relevant member of staff to action. They will then endeavour to respond that same day if it is urgent. Any call or query received after lunchtime may take a little longer and a response may have to wait until the next day.
Please be reminded that queries can also be sent in to the info@jackhunt.net email address.
Appointments to see Staff Members
If parents arrive in Main Reception, please be aware that it is not always possible to see a member of staff at that time. Reception staff will make reasonable attempts to contact the member of staff for you, however, invariably they are dealing with matters or are in classes with students and cannot see parents without an appointment. In these instances, details will be taken and Reception staff will pass the information on so that a telephone call can be returned later.
Medical Appointments during the School Day
Main reception have been inundated with phone calls, throughout the year, advising that students need to leave School during the school day which is causing a large amount of lessons to be interrupted to pass on messages/notes of authority to students. In view of this please can we remind parents of the procedure for collecting students during the school day.
- Please write a note in your son/daughter’s planner stating where they are going and what time you are collecting them, and sign this note.
- At the correct time students should then show the note to their class teacher who will allow them to exit the class and proceed to Main Reception where a member of staff will sign them out and allow them and follow the instruction written
If this procedure is followed there is no need to telephone the School.
Your assistance in helping us reduce the amount of interruptions to lessons would be very much appreciated.
Parents’ Evenings 2017-2018
Parents’ Evenings are a very important way in which staff and Parents/Carers can work together to support students and I have listed the dates for the new Academic Year so that you have them well in advance.
Tuesday and Wednesday |
19 and 20 September 2016 |
Year 7 Curriculum |
Tuesday |
26 September 2017 |
Year 7 Prospective |
Thursday |
5 October 2017 |
Year 10 Curriculum |
Tuesday |
10 October 2017 |
Year 13 Parents’ Evening |
Wednesday |
1 November 2017 |
Year 12 Prospective |
Tuesday |
28 November 2017 |
Year 12 Parents’ Evening |
Thursday |
14 December 2017 |
Year 11 Parents’ Evening |
Tuesday |
11 January 2018 |
Year 9 Parents’ Evening |
Tuesday |
23 January 2018 |
Year 9 Information Evening (Options) |
Tuesday |
20 March 2018 |
Year 7 Parents’ Evening |
Wednesday |
28 March 2018 |
Year 11 Information Evening |
Thursday |
26 April 2018 |
Year 8 Parents’ Evening |
Wednesday |
9 May 2018 |
Year 10 Parents’ Evening |
Tuesday |
5 June 2018 |
Year 12 Higher Education Evening |
Week Commencing |
Week Commencing |
Firstly, we would like to say a very big thank you to all of our parents/carers who continue to support the school by ensuring that their child attends school every day. As you know we take every opportunity to celebrate student success in having 100% attendance. You are obviously aware that full school attendance is vital for every child’s educational progress. Jack Hunt School works very well with parents/carers in ensuring their children attend school whenever possible to avoid disruption to learning and to maximise their educational achievement and I thank you for your co-operation.
In the table below, data from the Fischer Family Trust illustrates the impact attendance has on student results; it is significant.
* Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which no leave has been given.
** A student becomes a persistent absentee when they miss 15% or more schooling across the school year for whatever reason, without authorised medical evidence.
Cashless Catering Cards
Temporary cards will be issued to new students to the school on their first day. Existing students need to retain their cards and remember to bring them on the first day. Should any students have lost their cards a replacement card costs £2.00 and can be purchased from the School Shop at break time. If you wish to pay for your children’s meals by debit or credit card please register with Parent Pay and make a payment. New students wishing to purchase lunch at school during the first week should bring in cash and they will be shown how to add the money to their card, until Parent Pay is activated. Information on how to activate Parent Pay will be available in September.
Free School Meals
Are one of our responsibilities to authorise and administer and should you be entitled to apply for free schools meals, or wish to check whether you qualify, then please contact our Free School Meals Co-ordinator on extension 174. Mrs Bark will answer your queries and ensure that the appropriate arrangements are made.
Full School Uniform
All students should wear full school uniform in school and on the way to and from school. Students should NOT wear their school PE kit to school in the morning. The vast majority of students wear the uniform as per our expectations and our Sixth Form look very smart in their business dress and set an example to younger students. Details of the school uniform and guidelines on hair, make-up and jewellery are on the school website and in the Student Planner. Boys in Years 7-11 are reminded that ties are to be worn again from Wednesday 6 September 2017. As autumn and winter approaches may I remind parents that ‘hoodies’ are not permitted in school and that outer coats should be dark coloured and plain.
Uniform Expectations
Jack Hunt School is a school which regards uniform as being important. For many of our students the uniform is worn with pride and for many it enhances the feeling of belonging to a community.
No students should arrive at school without the correct uniform unless there is an explanation from the Parents/Carers. When there is no explanation, students will be sent home to change.
Jack Hunt School carry out uniform and equipment (suitable bag and stationery) audits on an ad hoc basis throughout the year to monitor Uniform Expectations. Parents will be contacted if a student’s uniform fails to meet the requirements.
Uniform Requirements
School Blazer Black with badge. Only available to purchase from Chromasport* website.
Shirt Plain white with collar.
Trousers Plain black. Only tailored formal school trousers with no extremes of width.
Pullover Plain v-necked mid grey. Hoodies are not permitted (will be confiscated if worn).
Cardigan Plain mid grey with school logo. Only available to purchase from Chromasport* website.
Socks Plain black or grey.
Shoes Black or dark brown. Appropriate waterproof shoes - no boots, sandals, canvas shoes or trainers.
No logos. Heels should not be extreme.
School clip-on tie. Only available to purchase from Chromasport* website.
Outer Coat Waterproof coat, plain dark colour without insignia (no denim or leather).
School Blazer Black with badge. Only available to purchase from Chromasport* website.
School Blouse Open neck, plain white with school badge on collar. Only available to purchase from
Chromasport* website.
Skirt All new purchases of skirts should be plain black pleated skirts, knee length.
Only available to purchase from Chromasport* website.
Nb. All Year 7s will be expected to wear the Jack Hunt School skirt purchased
from Chromasport. This is a phased uniform change. All Year 8-11 will be
expected to wear the Jack Hunt School skirt purchased from Chromasport
only by September 2018.
Trousers Plain black. Only tailored formal school trousers with no extremes of width.
Pinafore dress or Shalwar Kameez (if required) Purple or black.
Pullover Plain v-necked mid grey. Hoodies are not permitted (will be confiscated if worn).
Cardigan Plain mid grey with school logo. Only available to purchase from Chromasport* website.
Socks Plain white.
Tights Plain flesh colour, grey or black (not bright). No leggings.
Hijab (if required) Plain grey, white, purple or black without insignia.
Shoes Black or dark brown. Appropriate waterproof shoes - no boots, sandals,
canvas shoes or trainers. No logos. Heels should not be extreme.
Outer Coat Waterproof coat, plain dark colour without insignia (no denim or leather).
*See the ‘Purchase Uniform’ link on the home page of the Jack Hunt School website or visit www.chromasport.co.uk/shop/jack-hunt-school. Uniform orders placed by 21st August 2017 are guaranteed to be available for the start of the new term.
We would like to thank all parents/carers for their support in ensuring that each child is prepared for learning each day. During Lesson 1, each student will be checked for uniform, stationery and that they have a bag that is big enough to carry their books and folders. Any student that does not have uniform, stationery or a bag correctly in place will receive, in the first instance, a detention and then be placed on school Report. Should a student arrive without the correct uniform and with no explanation from parents, in extreme cases, he or she may be sent home to change. On these occasions we will always try to telephone parents using the data currently held by the school. It may not always be possible to inform families that their son/daughter is being sent home to change but since families are aware of our expectations this should be a most unusual event.
Leave of absence
In line with Government legislation Jack Hunt School is not authorised to allow any leave except in exceptional circumstances which are agreed by the Headteacher/Assistant Headteacher. The legislation means that if parents/carers take students out of school, without it having been authorised as exceptional circumstances, legal action, such as a fixed penalty notice, may be issued. This could be a fine of a minimum of £60.00 for each child, per parent/carer (eg the total fine for two children with two parents/carers would be £240.00). Parents/carers also risk having their child taken off the school roll.
If, due to exceptional circumstances, you request a leave of absence please ask your son/daughter to collect the ‘Leave of Absence’ form from the Main Reception. A form will need to be completed for each child and needs completing a minimum of 4 weeks before the requested leave date.
Parent/Carer Communications
- Trip Letters – are handed to student by respective subject teachers and attached to the child’s Kite Profile (under the Letters tab). Reminders may be emailed to parents/carers if there is a need.
- Important Notifications such as Examination information; events or reminders and Whole School Communications such as letters from the Headteacher will be emailed to parents/carers and the communication will be attached to their child’s Kite Profile (under the Letters tab).
- On rare occasions or for urgent communications you will also be notified by text of a communication by email.
Paracetamol is available from qualified First Aiders at school to allow students to continue their education without prolonged interruption but national guidance states that each school must have consent for this and that it must be updated for the start of each academic year. If your son or daughter takes other medication on a regular basis, please contact the Medical Room as soon as possible to discuss this. For health and safety reasons, students are asked not to carry medicines or tablets around school in their bags, apart from asthma inhalers.
It is very important that students arrive to lesson on time. To ensure a prompt start to the school day students should be on site by 8.35am and, if they go home for lunch, back by 2.00pm for the afternoon lesson. Could you please ensure the school is notified immediately if your son or daughter is unable to attend school and the reason for the absence. The 24-hour absence line is always available.
One full school Report and one mini Report are issued during the academic year approximate timings for the release of these are in the school calendar on the website. Parents /carers will be notified by email and text when their child’s report is available on their Kite Profile under the ‘Reports’ tab. Messages will also be tweeted and shared on Facebook to notify parents of the relevant year when the Reports are available to view.
Travel to and from school
For a school of our size, it does make the local roads very busy at the start and end of the school day. We do encourage our students to walk, cycle or bus to school and my thanks to parents/carers who support us in this. Students who cycle to school should secure their bicycle with a lock in the racks provided. Parents should not drive their cars onto the school site to drop off or pick up students as this presents hazards to the safety of our students and staff.
Is used to share News and Events, Term Dates and a host of other information about the school. On some occasions, for example if the school is closed due to adverse weather, we will make important announcements here too.
If you would like to keep up-to-date with Jack Hunt news headlines, you can use our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter (@Jackhuntschool) or our Facebook page @JackHuntSchoolOffical. Also, if you have an Apple device you can download the E4Education ‘School News’ App to give you quick access to all our website news as well as our calendar of events.
The website also has a link to our Learning Platform, Kite. Once you have a login, you will be able to access your children’s attendance and behaviour records amongst other things.