Jack Hunt School receives Peterborough City Civic Award
Jack Hunt School receives Peterborough City Civic Award
Jack Hunt School receives Peterborough City Civic Award
In recognition of the community work Jack Hunt School (JHS) partakes in, Peterborough City Council (PCC) presented JHS with an honorary Peterborough City Civic Award on 7th September 2021.
Particularily mentioned was the work of Mr Nawaz, Head of the Urdu Language and Deputy Curriculum Area Leader for Modern Foreign Languages. Some of Mr Nawaz’s notable contributions include a massive undertaking of translating public health messages in Urdu and Pashto for Peterborough City Council, local faith and community groups plus various voluntary sector partners. His translated work is being used by the local government in driving COVID numbers down and assisting the Urdu speaking communities with the comprehension and implementation of the national and local COVID guidelines. These messages were presented via videos, pamphlets and through Mr Nawaz’s efforts of visiting people in the community to discuss any anxieties around COVID expectations. Consequently, this has led to a greater number of people in the Urdu speaking communities taking the COVID vaccination, thus, protecting themselves and others around them.
In his role as the Education Coordinator of Mosque education and the Vice Chairman of the Muslim Council of Peterborough, Mr Nawaz has undertaken a number of projects to support the development of Islamic education in Peterborough. Mr Nawaz and the School’s Child Protection team ran professional development training sessions, workshops and created information booklets for local mosques and madrasas on safeguarding children. The aim of this was to train and equip all mosque and madrasa teachers with current Government guidelines on safeguarding while teaching young people. The Muslim Council of Peterborough and PCC were hugely impressed and thanked the JHS CP team and Mr Nawaz for running these sessions.
Other community work the school is involved in includes the creation of visors for NHS staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr Hargreaves, Teacher of Design and Technology (DT), created hundreds of visors to support our local NHS staff. Please see the Peterborough Today article for further details - Peterborough school produces thousands of visors for front line workers | Peterborough Telegraph (peterboroughtoday.co.uk)
The school’s’ Art department ran a whole school competition in the summer term of 2021 celebrating Peterborough’s rich diversity. Mrs Henning, Co-Curriculum Area Leader for Art, commented on the student’ submissions, stating, “we had a wide range of fantastic pieces of art submitted, each piece had a unique approach to the brief.’ The winning art pieces have been displayed in Peterborough City Hospital. In his letter thanking the school, the ward manager at the Hospital wrote to the students saying, ‘the effort and imagination you have all shown is inspiring and you should all be incredibly proud of your achievements.’
Our community work doesn’t stop at Peterborough!
Gaza Book Appeal
Mrs Rashid, Teacher of Business Studies, worked tirelessly in the Community collating reading resources to restock a destroyed library in Gaza. Through her endeavours, she collated over 4,000 books in only a couple of weeks! What started off as a simple Facebook post led to over 25 UK cities getting involved and collecting resources in their local areas. Peterborough Today covered our Gaza book appeal, please see: https://www.peterboroughmatters.co.uk/local-news/peterborough-donates-over-4000-books-for-destoryed-gaza-library-552533?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
Kenya School and Orphanage Work
Mr Hargreaves, through his work in DT, continues to support a number of orphanages and schools in Watamu, Timboni in Kenya. He launched a much bigger campaign last academic year with the hopes of raising enough money to fund a container of much needed supplies for the people of Watamu. Year after year, Mr Hargreaves has posted out educational toys made by our student and supplies of some basic essentials to these schools.
To support this project please follow this link https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/JHSKenya?utm_term=p2x9EMKDw
Ms Hussain, the School’s International Education Coordinator, continues to support schools locally, nationally and internationally with their work on embedding a global dimension to their curriculum along, with encouraging them to get involved in various campaigns such as Send My Friend to School and Fair Trade.
The above are just a few examples of the work we as School have undertaken to support the community: locally, nationally and globally.
“We are delighted and proud that the work of staff and students in school has been recognised with a Peterborough City Civic Award. It is one of our PKAT values that we are caring citizens who want to make a positive impact within our local and global communities.’ Ms Kilbey, CEO and Headteacher.
Ms Hussain
International Education Coordinator
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